Backdraft Shutters

Backdraft shutters (or Butterfly Dampers) are commonly used with inline exhaust fan systems. They are a necessary component for installation in 6 star rated energy saving homes. We sell backdraft shutters in both plastic and metal, with a variety of sizes available depending on the size of fan and ducting you are using. We even stock backdraft shutters for non-ductable fans.

A backdraft shutter is a draft stopper designed to prevent air flowing in the wrong direction when the exhaust system isn’t in operation. The shutters open with the pressure generated by air stream then closes automatically.

Plastic Backdraft Shutters

Our plastic backdraft shutters are made of PVC and come in 100mm, 125mm, 150mm and 200mm sizes.

Metal Backdraft Shutters

Our metal option has galvanized steel housing and aluminium sheet shutters and come in sizes from 100mm to 315mm.
